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Patient Portal

Neal Family Dentistry utilizes Curve Dental to give our patients access to a portal where they can access educational videos, appointments, forms and more! Existing patients along with any new patients will have a selection of annual required forms sent to their portal. In addition, prior to every appointment every patient will receive a COVID19 screening form to their portal. The Neal Family Dentistry Patient Portal is accessible at


Accessing the Portal

Please note our practice must send you an initial portal setup email before you will be able to log in at the link above. When you call to schedule your first appointment, your email address will be collected so that you can access your portal as soon as possible. 


You will receive an email from Neal Family Dentistry's Patient Portal. In the body of the email, you will click the blue link "Log Me In".

Then you will be taken to a screen that asks you to verify your identity. Your birthdate must be typed into the top box, in the exact same format that shows in gray. Then you will enter your zip code.

NOTE: The email, birthdate and zip code should come from the profile of whomever is setting up the portal. 


You will also need to enter a password and retype the password in the "Verify Password" box. It must be 8 characters long, contain at least 1 capital letter, 1 number and 1 special character (!@#$%^&*+=). 


When finished, you can click "Submit" and the login screen will appear.


Finally, enter the user name and password and click the Log In button, and the portal will appear.


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